Friday 18 September 2009

AS Media Preliminary Project

Above is the link to the magazine cover that i believe suits my target audience. As you can see from the text below the magazine weve chosen is affective with use of colours and content. Also the use of coverlines and straplines linked with images is affective as younger audiences will be attract immediately to images and use of colour.
Also the masthead is effective as it uses lower case lettering which gives a softer more friendly feel to the magazine, appealing to the target audience.

As the producers of "I Love College" magazine we believe our readers to be people:

  • Who love college
  • Between the ages of 16-21
  • Who go on nights out without any idea of how they are getting home
  • Who are constantly looking for savings
  • Who prefer action to romance
  • Who celebrate occassions with a weekend with no sleep rather than the family
  • Who are able to distinguish the difference between different genres of music
  • Who appreciate having a good time, with no regards to consequences.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Student Magazine Analysis

Both the Chinese magazine and the Indian magazine use lots of coverlines and straplines together. Also these two mags both use basic names maybe suggesting that the content is more important than the presentation to the people who produced it.
Also both of theses use only one main image on their cover whereas 'tell' magazine uses a number of smaller images aswell depicting the text.
The 'tell' mag uses serif font, emphasising the magazines focus on design and presentation. the other two mags use sans serif which is a basic text.
I would prefer to read 'Tell' magazine in my own opinion. This is due to the presentation of the magazine, the bright colours and use of images attract me to the magazine if seen in a shop etc. Also by reading the coverlines you can see that the magazine has interesting content that 'student' aged people will be willing to purchase it as it is worth reading. Also the main image is more appealing as it is an action shot of the women out in public whereas the other two are either studio produced images or plain background.
'Tell' Magazine
Teenagers/young adults would read this magazine due to the presentation and content. I feel aspirers/radicals/underachievers would all read this magazine as it has interest and not everyday content. It also talks about relaxed topics rather than world issues meaning that this will attract these types of readers. I also feel that this type of magazine would attract hedonists and post-modernists as these are open minded, outgoing people interested in unusual/specific topics. On the Jicnar scale i would put the readers of this magazine at around C1 as i would imagine them to be around the middle class.
Main image
The image appears lively and full of fun as it is very colourful and a very busy image. It is of a women on a merry-go-round at butlins which is impotant as it goes onto talk about this within the magazine. The women is shown smiling portraying happiness which will also help in attracting readers.
Use of colour
There is alot of use of colour on the cover of this magazine this is due to the type of reader the publishers are trying to attract. It also portrays fun/excitement when there are a large number of different colours used.
The Masthead
The masthead in in lower case serif font, the serif font show sophistication and the lower case softens up the text, this is because the targeted reader are most likely to be students, these people like to be sophisticated yet also modern/trendy.