Thursday 4 March 2010

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In a number of ways my media product is similar to real media products, using similar structure, content and also a similar use of language. Firstly, comparing my own magazine with other music magazines (as shown above; MixMag & ATM), you can see similarities between both my magazine, and the professionally produced magazines. Similar features that are obviously present are that both mine, and the professional magazines have a masthead, straplines, use of mise-en-scene to fit target audiences, fonts, editing, style, use of language, screamers, layout, use of image, use of text etc.

On The other hand there are also a number of differences, its safe to say that the styles and layout differs depending on what genre of music the magazine entails. For example; MixMags choice of colour is specifically used to attract their target audience, using white or predominantly plain backgrounds contrasted with bright colours and imagery is majorly linked with the Ibiza/party scene target audience, although this is an obvious visual difference, in terms of style it could be deemed similar as the use of colour is purposeful and included in order to attract my target audience members.

Both my magazine, and the professionally produced mags have all the parts that make up a basic high street magazine, but are produced by different people and inspired by different scenes, therefore they look to target different audiences. Another considerable difference is the effectiveness of design and the strength of the relation to the target audience, this is likely to be influenced highly by the amount of finance available to the producers and also the programmes used to construct the product.