Friday 11 December 2009

Collage Of Possible Ideas

These are some possible ideas that will quite possibly be used within my magazine. Ive continued the theme of brightly coloured images, live scene shots and also event advertisiment.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Summary of Detailed Research

Throughout my research I found a few constant trends within these party scene/ DJ'ing Mags:
  • Use of bright colours contrasted with shading
  • Live images of events
  • Unusual imagery (backs the changed state of mind theory)
  • Following big names within the industry
  • Bold block text (reader friendly)
  • Large amount of internal and external advertisement
  • Information on the world latest technology
  • Massive links to the fashion industry
  • In the know info on tunes/albums that have or are going to be released

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Music magazine: Genre and Audience

Title: MixMag
Genre: General DJ’ing magazine look at the more commercial side of it, from well known DJ’ing figures to the party scene that they make their name within.
Audience: This would also have a large hedonist based audience as they will be people who are constantly going to events following the party scene, also could be scene as post-materialists as they will see this as their hobbie or quite possibly will be people who are within further education and have chosen to live life whilst they’re young and have the chance.
Cover: The magazine cover makes use of bright colours with a very plain background in order to make them standout. the use of this colour is relevant as it strongly portraits the partying/ Ibiza like scene that the magazine so closely follows. Calvin Harris is also featured whering sun glasses which will also put across that it is not likely that they are following his performances in the UK. Also the shading along the left hand side of Harris's face may suggest that there is sunlight coming in from his right hand side.
The use of bright colours and party scene images are used throughtout the magazine i feel to give it the feel of a never ending party that the readers as hedonists will be is search for. Also there is alot of fashion advertisment as the scene is strongly linked with this as readers are materialists and very much so live for today. There are general advertisments throughout the magazine which all link to the relevant audience in some way, whethers its cars, fast foods, clothing or most predominant would be the event advertising obviously due to the nature of the magazine.
Contemporary art and unusual images will most definately grab the eye of this target audience, with them being enhanced in the foreground through lots of strobe lighting and more brightly coloured clothings which contrasts with the darkness in the background as a majority of the images are taken at night or within an event.
The typical reader would:

  • Be highly interested in fashion
  • Have a keen interest in the worldwide scene, rather than local
  • Would usually retire to bed in the hours of daylight
  • Have a secret/public interest in narcotics
  • Enjoy experiencing different states of mind
  • Would rather have a cigarette left the morning after rather than money
  • Has lost items of clothing on numurous occassions whilst partying
  • Has a love hate relationship with fast foods
  • Would be very creative and strong willed
  • Also dislike security and police to a point they are alsmost scared

Title: ATM
Genre: Drum n Bass, DJ’ing magazine
Audience: Radicals and Underachievers could be associated with this genre of magazine. They would also be hedonists as they are in a constant search for fun and pleasure and want to live for today.
Cover: This cover would appear to the target audience as it features “Chase and Status” who are the best new comers to the drum and bass scene. The drum and bass scene is also known to be quite dark and at times a rough/edgy scene which is portrayed in the rugged way with shading giving it a mysterious/dangerous look to it. This is also supported by the cracks and deffects within the centre coverline as this also gives it a rebelious/ underground feel to it which correctly portraits the scene that the magazine details.

Title: Q
Genre: Indie and mainstream commercial artists
Audience: This would attract a wide age range of people going from 16-45 as it accommodates for a lot of various tastes. It is mainly of predominately white guitar playing artists and bands. The readers would traditionalists who do have their main focus elsewhere but look to music as a favourite hobby.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Student magazine evaluation

The target audience for my magazine are students or any young outgoing person with an active social life. The masthead was the first piece of ammunition for attracting my target audience. The title “I Love College” is true as my audience are students but ironic in the fact that the sort of students that the content of my magazine will interest, may have a more cynical view of education. I used a graffiti background as this will appeal to the young rebelish consumers and also portraits the nature of the magazine well. The cover lines used will also appeal to the target audience due to the use of slang/nicknaming. Then the use of alliteration in the strap lines is relatively catchy and is used with the intention that it will cement itself into a readers mind. I’ve also challenged the wants/needs of the target audience by using quotations as an ongoing trend throughout my cover and contents, by using these more intellectual quotes it links my magazine more to the life of a student rather than just a person of the similar age category.
The demographic profile of my audience will be solely person who are attached to further education and the student social scene. Then my psychographic profile as stated before will consist of people;
• Who love college
• Between the ages of 16-21
• Who go on nights out without any idea of how they are getting home
• Who are constantly looking for savings
• Who prefer action to romance
• Who celebrate occasions with a weekend with no sleep rather than the family
• Who are able to distinguish the difference between different genres of music
• Who appreciate having a good time, with no regards to consequence.
When constructing my magazine cover and contents page we used images and themes that relate to both college and social life for young people. The use of bright colours on a dark background was used to grab the eyes of potential consumers when sat on a self with other magazines. Due to the nature and design of the cover this shouldn’t look similar to any other mainstream magazine and could easily be recognised as a young person’s mag.
The use of new technologies like the internet made my work easier as information and ideas was easy to obtains to give me a guideline when choosing a design plan. Also the new found knowledge of ‘photoshop’ and ‘quarkexpress’ made editing photos and constructing an attractive and effective layout much easier. Using tools such as the magnetic lasso for example allowed me to manipulate/crop images for specific uses and effects. Also using the smudge tool allowed me to alter detail on images making the image appear more professional when being used for my final work.

College magazine cover:
College magazine contents page:

Friday 18 September 2009

AS Media Preliminary Project

Above is the link to the magazine cover that i believe suits my target audience. As you can see from the text below the magazine weve chosen is affective with use of colours and content. Also the use of coverlines and straplines linked with images is affective as younger audiences will be attract immediately to images and use of colour.
Also the masthead is effective as it uses lower case lettering which gives a softer more friendly feel to the magazine, appealing to the target audience.

As the producers of "I Love College" magazine we believe our readers to be people:

  • Who love college
  • Between the ages of 16-21
  • Who go on nights out without any idea of how they are getting home
  • Who are constantly looking for savings
  • Who prefer action to romance
  • Who celebrate occassions with a weekend with no sleep rather than the family
  • Who are able to distinguish the difference between different genres of music
  • Who appreciate having a good time, with no regards to consequences.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Student Magazine Analysis

Both the Chinese magazine and the Indian magazine use lots of coverlines and straplines together. Also these two mags both use basic names maybe suggesting that the content is more important than the presentation to the people who produced it.
Also both of theses use only one main image on their cover whereas 'tell' magazine uses a number of smaller images aswell depicting the text.
The 'tell' mag uses serif font, emphasising the magazines focus on design and presentation. the other two mags use sans serif which is a basic text.
I would prefer to read 'Tell' magazine in my own opinion. This is due to the presentation of the magazine, the bright colours and use of images attract me to the magazine if seen in a shop etc. Also by reading the coverlines you can see that the magazine has interesting content that 'student' aged people will be willing to purchase it as it is worth reading. Also the main image is more appealing as it is an action shot of the women out in public whereas the other two are either studio produced images or plain background.
'Tell' Magazine
Teenagers/young adults would read this magazine due to the presentation and content. I feel aspirers/radicals/underachievers would all read this magazine as it has interest and not everyday content. It also talks about relaxed topics rather than world issues meaning that this will attract these types of readers. I also feel that this type of magazine would attract hedonists and post-modernists as these are open minded, outgoing people interested in unusual/specific topics. On the Jicnar scale i would put the readers of this magazine at around C1 as i would imagine them to be around the middle class.
Main image
The image appears lively and full of fun as it is very colourful and a very busy image. It is of a women on a merry-go-round at butlins which is impotant as it goes onto talk about this within the magazine. The women is shown smiling portraying happiness which will also help in attracting readers.
Use of colour
There is alot of use of colour on the cover of this magazine this is due to the type of reader the publishers are trying to attract. It also portrays fun/excitement when there are a large number of different colours used.
The Masthead
The masthead in in lower case serif font, the serif font show sophistication and the lower case softens up the text, this is because the targeted reader are most likely to be students, these people like to be sophisticated yet also modern/trendy.