Wednesday 9 December 2009

Music magazine: Genre and Audience

Title: MixMag
Genre: General DJ’ing magazine look at the more commercial side of it, from well known DJ’ing figures to the party scene that they make their name within.
Audience: This would also have a large hedonist based audience as they will be people who are constantly going to events following the party scene, also could be scene as post-materialists as they will see this as their hobbie or quite possibly will be people who are within further education and have chosen to live life whilst they’re young and have the chance.
Cover: The magazine cover makes use of bright colours with a very plain background in order to make them standout. the use of this colour is relevant as it strongly portraits the partying/ Ibiza like scene that the magazine so closely follows. Calvin Harris is also featured whering sun glasses which will also put across that it is not likely that they are following his performances in the UK. Also the shading along the left hand side of Harris's face may suggest that there is sunlight coming in from his right hand side.
The use of bright colours and party scene images are used throughtout the magazine i feel to give it the feel of a never ending party that the readers as hedonists will be is search for. Also there is alot of fashion advertisment as the scene is strongly linked with this as readers are materialists and very much so live for today. There are general advertisments throughout the magazine which all link to the relevant audience in some way, whethers its cars, fast foods, clothing or most predominant would be the event advertising obviously due to the nature of the magazine.
Contemporary art and unusual images will most definately grab the eye of this target audience, with them being enhanced in the foreground through lots of strobe lighting and more brightly coloured clothings which contrasts with the darkness in the background as a majority of the images are taken at night or within an event.
The typical reader would:

  • Be highly interested in fashion
  • Have a keen interest in the worldwide scene, rather than local
  • Would usually retire to bed in the hours of daylight
  • Have a secret/public interest in narcotics
  • Enjoy experiencing different states of mind
  • Would rather have a cigarette left the morning after rather than money
  • Has lost items of clothing on numurous occassions whilst partying
  • Has a love hate relationship with fast foods
  • Would be very creative and strong willed
  • Also dislike security and police to a point they are alsmost scared

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