Wednesday 27 January 2010

Preliminary Sketches

Here are some preliminary sketches of what i intend my front cover and double page spread to look like. The polaroid frame will be filled with images relevant to my target audience but i have yet to decide on the shots i am going to use.

The outline on the front cover sketch will be an image of myself once taken. Due to the results of my audience research and previous magazine research i have decided to wear bright colours in the shoot against a plain background.

Next to those is the sketch on my contents page. This was the image i first intended to use as my main cover shot but due to the positioning of the model in the picture i thought it would be more appropriate as a contents page. Again continuing the polaroid frame theme to remain consistant.

As you can the theme of wood is also apparent. This i believe ties in well with the name of my magazine as wood can be often described as vintage. It also ties in with the current fashion trends as retro fashion is highly in.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Initial Planning

After conducting my audience research a number of ideas sprung to mind to use when creating my magazine. Due to the link found between the music scene and fashion, and fashions new turn back in time to retro clothing, i thought the name 'Vintage' to be quite appropriate. Also strengthening the presence of the link i will also include at article documenting a number of birmingham clothing stores, providing readers with sort after information on the best places to find the latest new garms!

Due to the wrecky nature of the scene i also thought it appropriate to maybe do a sort of 'wasted' scene for the main cover image. I thought that a shot of someone collapsed with sick nearby would be more than an appropriate shot. This would be like shock advertising as people who arent even interested in the genre will still be drawn to the cover image, potentially widening the genres fan base if a non regular readers decide to take a chance with it.

Then for my contents page i intend to carry on the 'wrecked' scene from the front image. My first idea for this was a bunch of friends asleep. After some thought i decided to continue the use of myself as the model to maintain a consistant theme.

For the double page spread in thought that images used within it could be framed with a polaroid picture in order to correspond with the desireable qwerky interior. Although the main shot have been planned in detail i intend to gather interior photos spontaneously in order to carry on the random photo/image theme i discovered in simular prints.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Audience Research

After creating my target audience mood board i placed it onto my facebook site in order for peers to be able to comment on it. I received some positive feedback which confirmed that the ideas i had pre-planned were inline with my target audience. When conducting an informal interveiw with the friend who commented on my post, he said he was specifically drawn to the use of contrasting colours and random imagery, stating that it strongly portrays the 'anything goes' like scene that my magazine intends to. Also commenting on the link that had be made between the music and fashion industries, suggesting that this may sway him to buy a magazine as it contains numerous contents and therefore resulting in value for money (ideal for student audience).

Due to the results of my audience research ive decided on using a plain background in main shots in order to strengthen the contrast of the bright colour that evidently needs to be included. Ive also decided on using bold text to make the magazine an easy read.

Friday 15 January 2010

Audience Profile

My typical audience member would:

· Have a deep interest into fashion
· Would enjoy a full weekend of partying with no sleep
· Have a secret/public relationship with narcotics
· Play hard with no consideration to consequence
· Have little interest in political issues
· Would again have a love hate relationship with fast foods
· Have in depth knowledge of microwave meals
· Receives great satisfaction from witty humour

Would enjoy television channels such as UK Gold, Paramount Comedy etc,
· Only fool and horses
· Two and a half men
· Fresh prince of Bellaire
· Also may have a secret love for educational programmes suck as documentaries

Films they would enjoy are,
· Chi Ching Chong
· How high
· The ‘Friday’ saga
· You don’t mess with the Zohan

Due to little time to sit down and read my target audience would hear and learn about their favoured music scene through communicating between themselves via social networking site such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter etc. Regular messages received from joining particular social networking groups will keep them up to date with the latest news, events and changes within their scene.
In their spare time members of my target audience would most likely be trying to take it easy at home in order to save funds for an upcoming event. Lots of preparation and thought is put into attending events in order to make it a full and worthwhile experience