Tuesday 26 January 2010

Initial Planning

After conducting my audience research a number of ideas sprung to mind to use when creating my magazine. Due to the link found between the music scene and fashion, and fashions new turn back in time to retro clothing, i thought the name 'Vintage' to be quite appropriate. Also strengthening the presence of the link i will also include at article documenting a number of birmingham clothing stores, providing readers with sort after information on the best places to find the latest new garms!

Due to the wrecky nature of the scene i also thought it appropriate to maybe do a sort of 'wasted' scene for the main cover image. I thought that a shot of someone collapsed with sick nearby would be more than an appropriate shot. This would be like shock advertising as people who arent even interested in the genre will still be drawn to the cover image, potentially widening the genres fan base if a non regular readers decide to take a chance with it.

Then for my contents page i intend to carry on the 'wrecked' scene from the front image. My first idea for this was a bunch of friends asleep. After some thought i decided to continue the use of myself as the model to maintain a consistant theme.

For the double page spread in thought that images used within it could be framed with a polaroid picture in order to correspond with the desireable qwerky interior. Although the main shot have been planned in detail i intend to gather interior photos spontaneously in order to carry on the random photo/image theme i discovered in simular prints.

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