Friday 15 January 2010

Audience Profile

My typical audience member would:

· Have a deep interest into fashion
· Would enjoy a full weekend of partying with no sleep
· Have a secret/public relationship with narcotics
· Play hard with no consideration to consequence
· Have little interest in political issues
· Would again have a love hate relationship with fast foods
· Have in depth knowledge of microwave meals
· Receives great satisfaction from witty humour

Would enjoy television channels such as UK Gold, Paramount Comedy etc,
· Only fool and horses
· Two and a half men
· Fresh prince of Bellaire
· Also may have a secret love for educational programmes suck as documentaries

Films they would enjoy are,
· Chi Ching Chong
· How high
· The ‘Friday’ saga
· You don’t mess with the Zohan

Due to little time to sit down and read my target audience would hear and learn about their favoured music scene through communicating between themselves via social networking site such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter etc. Regular messages received from joining particular social networking groups will keep them up to date with the latest news, events and changes within their scene.
In their spare time members of my target audience would most likely be trying to take it easy at home in order to save funds for an upcoming event. Lots of preparation and thought is put into attending events in order to make it a full and worthwhile experience

1 comment:

  1. Research and planning - this is not complete, since you still have to carry out planning activities. Make sure you finish everything on the ten point research and planning checklist, including any improvements I've suggested, by Friday 22nd Jan at the latest. I won't be able to give you a final research and planning grade until the whole project is over, and all my marking will have to be agreed by my colleagues, so this is just an indication of your mark for this section of the coursework rather than a final mark: at the moment, posts you've done are at a Level 3, around 13/20. Look at my comments on your posts for improvements.
